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2023-06-07 11:10:49 -08:00
;;; mitch-meow.el --- my meow settings -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2023 mitch
;; Author: mitch <mitch@mitchmarq42.xyz>
;; Keywords:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Extracted from ./mitch-packages.el because maintaining separate git branches
;; is too hard.
;;; Code:
(use-package meow
(meow-cheatsheet-layout meow-cheatsheet-layout-qwerty)
(meow-keypad-self-insert-undefined nil)
;; (require 'esc-intercept)
;; Visual moving
(defun move-screen-down-line ()
"Scroll down line but keep cursor in same visual position."
(meow-prev 1)
(defun move-screen-up-line ()
"Scroll up line but keep cursor in same visual position."
(meow-next 1)
;; actual setup function
(defun meow-setup ()
;; this line cost me days of confusion
;; (define-key key-translation-map (kbd "ESC") (kbd "<escape>"))
;; (define-key meow-insert-state-keymap (kbd "ESC") (kbd "<escape>"))
;; (evil-esc-mode 100)
'("j" . meow-next)
'("k" . meow-prev)
;; '("ESC" . mitch/meow-esc-dwim)
;; SPC j/k will run the original command in MOTION state.
'("j" . "H-j")
'("k" . "H-k")
;; Use SPC (0-9) for digit arguments.
'("1" . meow-digit-argument)
'("2" . meow-digit-argument)
'("3" . meow-digit-argument)
'("4" . meow-digit-argument)
'("5" . meow-digit-argument)
'("6" . meow-digit-argument)
'("7" . meow-digit-argument)
'("8" . meow-digit-argument)
'("9" . meow-digit-argument)
'("0" . meow-digit-argument)
'("/" . meow-keypad-describe-key)
'("?" . meow-cheatsheet)
'("g" . magit))
;; (meow-define-keys
;; 'insert
;; '("ESC" . mitch/meow-esc-dwim))
;; (meow-define-keys
;; 'beacon
;; '("ESC" . mitch/meow-esc-dwim))
'("0" . meow-expand-0)
'("9" . meow-expand-9)
'("8" . meow-expand-8)
'("7" . meow-expand-7)
'("6" . meow-expand-6)
'("5" . meow-expand-5)
'("4" . meow-expand-4)
'("3" . meow-expand-3)
'("2" . meow-expand-2)
'("1" . meow-expand-1)
'("-" . negative-argument)
'(";" . meow-reverse)
'("," . meow-inner-of-thing)
'("." . meow-bounds-of-thing)
'("[" . meow-beginning-of-thing)
'("]" . meow-end-of-thing)
'("a" . meow-append)
'("A" . meow-open-below)
'("b" . meow-back-word)
'("B" . meow-back-symbol)
'("c" . meow-change)
'("d" . meow-delete)
'("D" . meow-backward-delete)
'("e" . meow-next-word)
'("E" . meow-next-symbol)
'("f" . meow-find)
'("g" . meow-cancel-selection)
'("G" . meow-grab)
'("h" . meow-left)
'("H" . meow-left-expand)
'("i" . meow-insert)
'("I" . meow-open-above)
'("j" . meow-next)
'("J" . meow-next-expand)
'("k" . meow-prev)
'("K" . meow-prev-expand)
'("l" . meow-right)
'("L" . meow-right-expand)
'("m" . meow-join)
'("n" . meow-search)
'("o" . meow-block)
'("O" . meow-to-block)
'("p" . meow-yank)
'("q" . meow-quit)
'("Q" . meow-goto-line)
'("r" . meow-replace)
'("R" . meow-swap-grab)
'("s" . meow-kill)
'("t" . meow-till)
'("u" . meow-undo)
'("U" . meow-undo-in-selection)
'("v" . meow-visit)
'("w" . meow-mark-word)
'("W" . meow-mark-symbol)
'("x" . meow-line)
'("X" . meow-goto-line)
'("y" . meow-save)
'("Y" . meow-sync-grab)
'("z" . meow-pop-selection)
'("'" . repeat)
;; '("ESC" . mitch/meow-esc-dwim)
(defun mitch/meow-esc-dwim ()
"Escape the current search, action, or state.
- When in insert mode, return to normal mode.
- When in normal mode, return to beginning of line.
- When region is visible, pop it.
- When grabbing, ungrab."
(if (meow-keypad-mode-p)
(if (bound-and-true-p meow-selection)
(if (meow-insert-mode-p)
(goto-char (pos-bol))))) nil)
;; (require 'esc-intercept)
(add-to-list 'meow-mode-state-list '(eshell-mode . insert))
(add-to-list 'meow-mode-state-list '(helpful-mode . motion))
(add-to-list 'meow-mode-state-list '(magit-mode . motion))
(meow-global-mode 1)
(add-hook 'meow-insert-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local evil-state 'insert)))
(add-hook 'meow-normal-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local evil-state 'normal)))
(add-hook 'meow-motion-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local evil-state 'motion)))
(add-hook 'meow-beacon-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local evil-state 'beacon)))
(add-hook 'meow-keypad-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local evil-state 'keypad)))
(provide 'mitch-meow)
;;; mitch-meow.el ends here