Rewrite README

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MitchMarq42 2022-12-18 20:38:23 -09:00
parent 239d3a1457
commit b06808d552

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@ -1,29 +1,60 @@
#+TITLE: Emacs Configuration Any introduction would be insufficient.
* Emacs Configuration
Oh boy.
I don't even know what to say about this. I want to believe in the vim cult, but A "literate" configuration would break many things.
emacs just has me under its thrall. It's precisely what I've been looking for
this whole time.
There's a lot of stuff here, but I've decided not to take the literate-config Thus I will write of random things included here in no particular order, as my
approach just yet. This needs to mostly work on Windows, after all. file organization suggests.
** From the old README: -----
I have based most of this off of what I happened to have for neovim at the time,
with the aid of [[][System Crafters]]. Since then it has grown into something more,
something crazy. Or maybe it's really not that crazy and emacs is just a bad
program with a good extension API. I do not know if I am a human dreaming of
emacs, or an emacs dreaming of humanity.
There are a few things to immediately note: Everything is in the file =lisp/mitch-packages.el=. There are things in other
files but they mostly never change - see the commit history.
- The theme is my own. Every existing emacs (and vim, for that matter) colorscheme/theme is washed-in and gray-on-gray. Doom, spacemacs, solarized, nord, dracula, or any other name-able theme. Also, any "new and exciting" theme you see on Reddit will be the same. This infuriated me to no end, so in the early days of my nvim tweaking I pulled the most unique and contrastful theme I could find. It was called "sv" and it was hacked up by some guy on github once and then forgotten ( So I extended it for nvim, then recreated it in emacs with the aid of [[][autothemer]] (which you can find at [[.config/emacs/lisp/mitch-theme.el][.config/emacs/lisp/mitch-theme.el]]). * TRAMP
Generally, tramp is mostly fine. But if there are problematic configurations, it
will be very slow and time out and it will hang Emacs. I've had terrible luck
with it until just today (at the time of writing) and I'm legitimately shocked
it isn't terrible. Hooray! but also come on.
- Typing ~qq~ will change your input method. This is sort-of a built-in feature, but the default trigger is to type ~C-\~, which is annoying to press. The ~qq~ behavior is built into Japanese-mode specifically and normally toggles in and out of ~japanese-ascii~, which is literally just normal text except ~qq~ switches back to Japanese. * Evil
* 2022-09-26 12:57 pm vim keys are indispensable to me. Legit I cannot live without them very
This is the time of day that I wrote the thing that creates the above heading well. Most all of my evil configuration is very boilerplate, but I'd like to
now. It works it works it works... think that's fine.
_this is underlined_ and that works with electric pairs now... "And" =so= does VIPER is also a thing built into Emacs. It's probably not that bad, but the
+this and this and+ *not this* either... defaults are very unintuitive compared to evil-collection.
* EShell
I like eshell - it reminds me of the configuration I liked about zsh, and the
composability I love about powershell.
The EAT terminal is also just amazing.
* NLinum-relative
is a thing. It requires nlinum which requires linum which is deprecated. This is
all for a single face declaration which is VERY UNNECESSARY. Just define it the
same and force theme authors to add a declaration. or /inherit from the built-in
display-line-numbers face/.
* mitch-theme
In [[][a separate repo]] there is a theme I made. It's not a good theme and I'm
insane. But I can't stand normal themes. By all accounts there is something
wrong with my eyes. Shut up.
* YAscroll
"yet another scroll" yet there is no other scrollbar. If anyone knows of one,
tell me.
I re-define a display function in my config because I'm using background
transparency and otherwise it looks all chunky with the face declaration.
* Org
A good idea and usable, but I currently disable most fancy things because it
gets very slow otherwise. I've ran profilers and debuggers and the problem is
related to redisplay.
* org-tempo
I want to get rid of this and just use yasnippets, but oh well.
* ox-hugo
I have a function that automatically re-generates all the hugos.