Move eshell to after general, to fix loading error

This commit is contained in:
MitchMarq42 2022-08-27 21:47:33 -08:00
parent 0c6e14e1f7
commit b794d252be

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ NAME and ARGS are in `use-package'."
(use-feature savehist
:straight (:type built-in)
:init (savehist-mode))
;; Visualize whitespace. In a very chill and invisible way.
(use-feature whitespace
:straight (:type built-in)
:defer 1
@ -42,43 +43,6 @@ NAME and ARGS are in `use-package'."
:hook (prog-mode . whitespace-mode)
;; :config (global-whitespace-mode t)
(use-feature eshell
:straight (:type built-in)
:commands (eshell/emacs eshell/man)
:custom (eshell-scroll-to-bottom-on-input t)
(add-to-list 'eshell-modules-list 'eshell-rebind)
(defun eshell-evil-insert-line (count &optional vcount)
(interactive "p")
(evil-insert count vcount))
(defun eshell/emacs (&rest args)
"Basically you can edit ARGS and it will open in a new buffer.
When your shell is Emacs, your Emacs is but an oyster...
This is taken from a website that I can't remember at the moment."
(if (null args)
#'expand-file-name (flatten-tree (reverse args))))))
:states 'normal
:maps 'eshell-mode-map
"I" 'eshell-evil-insert-line))
(elpaca-use-package eshell-vterm
:after eshell
:custom (eshell-destroy-buffer-when-process-dies t)
:hook (eshell-mode . eshell-vterm-mode))
(elpaca-use-package eshell-syntax-highlighting
:hook (eshell-mode . eshell-syntax-highlighting-mode))
(elpaca-use-package eshell-prompt-extras
:after eshell
(eshell-highlight-prompt nil)
(eshell-prompt-function 'epe-theme-multiline-with-status)
(epe-path-style 'full))
(use-feature ibuffer
:straight (:type built-in)
:commands ibuffer
@ -157,6 +121,45 @@ This is taken from a website that I can't remember at the moment."
:if (< (string-to-number emacs-version) 28)
;; eshell. Pretty good actually.
(use-feature eshell
:straight (:type built-in)
:commands (eshell/emacs eshell/man)
:custom (eshell-scroll-to-bottom-on-input t)
(add-to-list 'eshell-modules-list 'eshell-rebind)
(defun eshell-evil-insert-line (count &optional vcount)
(interactive "p")
(evil-insert count vcount))
(defun eshell/emacs (&rest args)
"Basically you can edit ARGS and it will open in a new buffer.
When your shell is Emacs, your Emacs is but an oyster...
This is taken from a website that I can't remember at the moment."
(if (null args)
#'expand-file-name (flatten-tree (reverse args))))))
:states 'normal
:maps 'eshell-mode-map
"I" 'eshell-evil-insert-line))
(elpaca-use-package eshell-vterm
:after eshell
:custom (eshell-destroy-buffer-when-process-dies t)
:hook (eshell-mode . eshell-vterm-mode))
(elpaca-use-package eshell-syntax-highlighting
:hook (eshell-mode . eshell-syntax-highlighting-mode))
(elpaca-use-package eshell-prompt-extras
:after eshell
(eshell-highlight-prompt nil)
(eshell-prompt-function 'epe-theme-multiline-with-status)
(epe-path-style 'full))
(use-feature all-the-icons)
(elpaca-use-package dirvish
:straight (:files (:defaults "extensions/*.el"))
@ -386,9 +389,15 @@ targets."
(airline-shortened-directory-length 20)
;; (airline-utf-glyph-separator-left (string-to-char ""))
;; (airline-utf-glyph-separator-right (string-to-char ""))
(:box (:line-width 2 :style released-button)
(:height (:inherit 'fixed-pitch))
:height 80))))
;; (load-theme 'airline-kolor t)
(load-theme 'airline-ravenpower t))
;; (load-theme 'airline-ravenpower t)
(load-theme 'airline-kolor t))
;; (use-package doom-modeline
;; :custom
;; (doom-modeline-unicode-fallback t)
@ -688,7 +697,6 @@ targets."
(corfu-terminal-mode +1)))
;; Visualize whitespace. In a very chill and invisible way.
;; (use-package lsp-dart
;; ;; :custom (lsp-dart-dap-flutter-hot-reload t)