Emacs configuration
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lisp Play with font faces 2022-08-08 06:38:17 -08:00
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early-init.el Straight.el: enable flycheck fix; disable use-package messages 2022-08-11 06:24:12 -08:00
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README.org Paste in old README blurb; diminish some thingies 2022-06-19 19:16:32 -08:00

Emacs Configuration

Emacs Configuration

Oh boy.

I don't even know what to say about this. I want to believe in the vim cult, but emacs just has me under its thrall. It's precisely what I've been looking for this whole time.

There's a lot of stuff here, but I've decided not to take the literate-config approach just yet. This needs to mostly work on Windows, after all.

From the old README:

I have based most of this off of what I happened to have for neovim at the time, with the aid of System Crafters. Since then it has grown into something more, something crazy. Or maybe it's really not that crazy and emacs is just a bad program with a good extension API. I do not know if I am a human dreaming of emacs, or an emacs dreaming of humanity.

There are a few things to immediately note:

  • The theme is my own. Every existing emacs (and vim, for that matter) colorscheme/theme is washed-in and gray-on-gray. Doom, spacemacs, solarized, nord, dracula, or any other name-able theme. Also, any "new and exciting" theme you see on Reddit will be the same. This infuriated me to no end, so in the early days of my nvim tweaking I pulled the most unique and contrastful theme I could find. It was called "sv" and it was hacked up by some guy on github once and then forgotten. So I extended it for nvim, then recreated it in emacs with the aid of autothemer (which you can find at .config/emacs/lisp/mitch-theme.el).
  • Typing qq will change your input method. This is sort-of a built-in feature, but the default trigger is to type C-\, which is annoying to press. The qq behavior is built into Japanese-mode specifically and normally toggles in and out of japanese-ascii, which is literally just normal text except qq switches back to Japanese.