commit 128ad612894572feed737e4ac0cb4bd2447c1c24 Author: MitchMarq42 Date: Sat Jan 20 08:27:26 2024 -0900 add all files back. i broke this repo whoops diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47e43be --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#+title: Vim and Emacs colors + +When I first started using `nvim', I copied my `nano' config +which was very cringe and basic. And so I scoured the internet +for themes. And discovered something truly disturbing: +Every single `nvim' and `emacs' theme looks exactly the same, +and they're all gray-on-gray cringe. I prefer my cringe to really +pop rather than ooze before my eyes, so I somehow found the `nvim' +theme that gradually became this. diff --git a/colors/mitch.vim b/colors/mitch.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e47dfc --- /dev/null +++ b/colors/mitch.vim @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +"black = 0 = 8 +"red = 1 = 9 +"green = 2 = 10 +"yellow = 3 = 11 +"blue = 4 = 12 +"magenta = 5 = 13 +"cyan = 6 = 14 +"white = 7 = 15 + +" A color scheme made to emulate the SV colors (, +" but without requiring termguicolors to be enabled. Instead, manually +" set your terminal's first 8 colors to the correct ones that look +" right. This ensures that they look right. + +" EDIT: ack screw it im using termguicolors they work +" EDIT2: Gonna fill this in completely some time with all the possible values +" for colors and stuff. Probs not for a while though. + +" hi thing guibg guifg gui +hi clear +"set background=dark +set termguicolors +highlight Normal guibg=#000000 guifg=#eeee99 gui=none +highlight Visual guibg=#3f0090 +highlight Comment guibg=none guifg=#00aa00 gui=none +highlight NonText guibg=none guifg=brown gui=bold +highlight Constant guibg=none guifg=#0077ff gui=none +highlight cString guibg=none guifg=white gui=bold +highlight cCppString guibg=none guifg=white gui=bold +highlight cBracket guibg=red guifg=#cccc66 gui=bold +highlight Identifier guibg=none guifg=#00c0c0 gui=none +highlight Statement guibg=none guifg=#c0c000 gui=bold +highlight PreProc guibg=none guifg=#0088ff gui=bold +highlight Type guibg=none guifg=orange gui=bold +highlight Special guibg=none guifg=#bb00bb gui=bold +highlight Error guibg=#ff0000 guifg=white gui=none +highlight Todo guibg=#c0c000 guifg=#000080 gui=none +highlight Directory guibg=none guifg=#00c000 gui=bold +highlight Search guibg=purple guifg=yellow gui=none +highlight operator guibg=none guifg=pink gui=none +highlight statement guibg=none guifg=red gui=bold +highlight DiffAdd guibg=purple guifg=black gui=bold +highlight DiffChange guibg=green guifg=black gui=bold +highlight DiffDelete guibg=red guifg=black gui=bold +highlight DiffText guibg=orange guifg=black gui=bold +highlight MsgSeparator guibg=blue guifg=white gui=bold +highlight CursorLine guibg=#101010 +highlight CursorColumn guibg=#101010 +highlight VertSplit guibg=none guifg=purple gui=bold +highlight RevComment guibg=green guifg=black gui=none +highlight RevStatLn guibg=red guifg=black gui=bold +highlight CmdMode guibg=white guifg=black gui=bold +highlight TabLineSel guibg=orange guifg=black gui=bold +highlight LineNr guibg=none guifg=yellow gui=none +highlight CursorLineNr guibg=black guifg=yellow gui=bold +"highlight StatusLine guibg=blue guifg=white gui=bold +highlight NonText guibg=black guifg=red +highlight Pmenu guibg=#303030 guifg=#a0a0f0 +highlight TabLine guibg=green guifg=black +highlight GreenGreen guibg=green guifg=green +highlight PurplePurple guibg=purple guifg=purple +highlight OrangeOrange guibg=orange guifg=orange +highlight WhiteWhite guibg=white guifg=white +highlight RedRed guibg=red guifg=red +highlight BlackBlack guibg=black guifg=black +highlight GrayGray guibg=#303030 guifg=#303030 +highlight TabLineFill guibg=#303030 guifg=#303030 +highlight Folded guibg=none guifg=#0088ff gui=bold + +let g:scrollbar_highlight = { + \ 'head': 'Comment', + \ 'body': 'Comment', + \ 'tail': 'Comment', + \ } + +" source ~/.config/nvim/stuffs/minline.vim +" let g:airline_theme='lucius' + +hi Trailing guifg=green guibg=red +match Trailing /\s\+$/ diff --git a/sv-theme.el b/sv-theme.el new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c46b7b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/sv-theme.el @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +;;; sv-theme.el --- set visual theme in the only unique way + +;; Copyright  2022 Mitchell Marquez + +;; Author: Mitchell Marquez +;; Version: 0.8 +;; Package-Requires: ((autothemer)) +;; Keywords: theme, colorscheme, high-contrast, dark theme +;; URL: + +;;; Commentary: +;; When I first started using `nvim', I copied my `nano' config which was very +;; cringe and basic. And so I scoured the internet for themes. And discovered +;; something truly disturbing: Every single `nvim' and `emacs' theme looks +;; exactly the same, and they're all gray-on-gray cringe. I prefer my cringe to +;; really pop rather than ooze before my eyes, so I somehow found the `nvim' +;; theme that gradually became this. + +;;; Code: +(require 'autothemer) + + +;; set font... but actually don't +;; Taken from + +(autothemer-deftheme + sv "Based on my nvim theme. Because everything else looks the same." + + ;; Specify the color classes used by the theme + (( + ((class color) (min-colors #xFFFFFF)) ;; truecolor + ((class color) (min-colors 16 )) ;; 16color + ((class color) (min-colors 8 )) ;; 8color + ) + + ;; Specify the color palette for each of the classes above. + (sv-fg "PaleGoldenrod" ;; "white" + ) + (sv-black "black") + (sv-red "red" ) + (sv-green "ForestGreen" "green" "green") + (sv-yellow "gold1" "yellow") + (sv-blue "blue" ) + (sv-magenta "magenta") + (sv-cyan "cyan") + (sv-white "white") + (sv-pink "pink2" "lightred") + (sv-light-black "grey19" "grey19" "gray") + (sv-light-red "darkorange") + (sv-light-green "green3" "brightgreen") + (sv-light-yellow "PaleGoldenrod") + (sv-light-blue "RoyalBlue") + (sv-light-magenta "DarkMagenta") + (sv-light-cyan "turquoise3" "cyan") + (sv-light-white "grey69" "white") + (sv-visual-bg "DarkBlue" "midnightblue") + (sv-dark-gray "grey7" "grey" "grey") + (sv-dark-yellow "DarkGoldenrod1" "yellow") + (sv-dark-red "DarkRed") + (sv-mid-gray "grey33") + (sv-mid-violet "BlueViolet") + (sv-mid-red "red3")) + + ;; specifications for Emacs faces. + ( + (default (:background sv-black :foreground sv-fg)) + ;; (default (:background sv-black :foreground sv-white)) + ;; (default (:slant 'normal)) + (bold (:weight 'bold :foreground sv-white)) + (tabulated-list-fake-header (:inherit 'bold :underline 't :overline 't)) + (cursor (:inverse-video t)) + (highlight (:background sv-visual-bg)) + (region (:inherit 'highlight)) + (link (:foreground sv-light-blue :underline 't)) + (link-visited (:foreground sv-mid-violet :underline 't)) + (whitespace-line (:background sv-dark-red)) + (line-number (:background sv-black :inherit 'font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)) + (line-number-current-line (:inherit + 'line-number + :foreground sv-yellow + :weight 'bold)) + (linum (:inherit 'line-number)) + (linum-relative-current-face (:inherit 'line-number-current-line)) + (nlinum-relative-current-face (:inherit 'line-number-current-line)) + (ivy-current-match (:inherit 'highlight :extend t)) + (ivy-separator (:inherit 'marginalia-documentation)) + (marginalia-modified (:foreground sv-light-magenta)) + (show-paren-match (:background sv-light-cyan)) + ;; font-lock faces. The defaults that are important to get right. + (font-lock-comment-face (:foreground sv-green :slant 'oblique)) + (font-lock-comment-delimiter-face (:foreground sv-light-black)) + (font-lock-constant-face (:foreground sv-light-white :weight 'normal)) + (font-lock-string-face (:foreground sv-light-blue :slant 'italic)) + (font-lock-builtin-face (:foreground sv-light-white :weight 'bold)) + (font-lock-keyword-face (:foreground sv-mid-red :weight 'normal)) + (font-lock-type-face (:foreground sv-light-red :weight 'bold)) + (font-lock-function-name-face (:foreground sv-red :weight 'normal)) + (font-lock-variable-name-face (:foreground sv-light-cyan :weight 'normal)) + (font-lock-negation-char-face (:foreground sv-visual-bg :weight 'bold)) + ;; other things + (transient-heading (:inherit 'default + :foreground sv-magenta + :weight 'bold)) + (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face (:foreground sv-light-magenta)) + (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face (:foreground sv-magenta :weight 'normal)) + (vertical-border (:foreground sv-mid-violet :weight 'bold)) + (fringe (:inherit 'default)) + (yascroll:thumb-fringe (:foreground sv-green :background sv-green)) + (yascroll:thumb-text-area (:foreground sv-green :background sv-green)) + (whitespace-space (:foreground sv-black)) + (whitespace-tab (:foreground sv-black)) + (whitespace-newline (:foreground sv-black)) + (org-meta-line (:inherit 'font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)) + (org-document-title (:foreground sv-light-cyan :weight 'bold :height 1.1)) + (org-block (:background sv-dark-gray :extend t :inherit 'fixed-pitch)) + (outline-1 (:foreground sv-red :weight 'bold :height 1.1)) ; :slant 'italic + (outline-2 (:foreground sv-red :weight 'bold :height 1.1)) ; :slant 'italic + (outline-3 (:foreground sv-red :weight 'bold :height 1.1)) ; :slant 'italic + (outline-4 (:foreground sv-red :weight 'bold :height 1.1)) ; :slant 'italic + (outline-5 (:foreground sv-red :weight 'bold :height 1.1)) ; :slant 'italic + (outline-6 (:foreground sv-red :weight 'bold :height 1.1)) ; :slant 'italic + (outline-7 (:foreground sv-red :weight 'bold :height 1.1)) ; :slant 'italic + (outline-8 (:foreground sv-red :weight 'bold :height 1.1)) ; :slant 'italic + (outline-9 (:foreground sv-red :weight 'bold :height 1.1)) ; :slant 'italic + (helpful-heading (:foreground sv-white :height 1.1 :weight 'bold)) + (isearch (:foreground sv-dark-yellow + :background sv-light-magenta + :weight 'bold)) + (lazy-highlight (:inherit 'isearch)) + (completions-highlight (:background sv-mid-violet)) + (corfu-default (:background sv-mid-gray)) + (corfu-current (:inherit 'completions-highlight)) + ;; ansi colors + (ansi-color-black (:foreground sv-black :background sv-light-black)) + (ansi-color-red (:foreground sv-red :background sv-light-red)) + (ansi-color-green (:foreground sv-green :background sv-light-green)) + (ansi-color-yellow (:foreground sv-yellow :background sv-light-yellow)) + (ansi-color-blue (:foreground sv-blue :background sv-light-blue)) + (ansi-color-magenta (:background sv-magenta + :foreground sv-mid-violet)) + (ansi-color-cyan (:foreground sv-cyan :background sv-light-cyan)) + (ansi-color-white (:foreground sv-white :background sv-light-white)) + (ansi-color-bright-black (:background sv-black + :foreground sv-light-black)) + (ansi-color-bright-red (:background sv-red :foreground sv-light-red)) + (ansi-color-bright-green (:background sv-green + :foreground sv-light-green)) + (ansi-color-bright-yellow (:background sv-yellow + :foreground sv-light-yellow)) + (ansi-color-bright-blue (:background sv-blue :foreground sv-light-blue)) + (ansi-color-bright-magenta (:foreground sv-magenta + :background sv-mid-violet)) + (ansi-color-bright-cyan (:background sv-cyan :foreground sv-light-cyan)) + (ansi-color-bright-white (:background sv-white + :foreground sv-light-white)) + (eat-term-bold (:foreground 'unspecified :weight 'bold)) + ;; eshell colors + (epe-dir-face (:foreground sv-cyan)) + (eshell-syntax-highlighing-default-face (:inherit 'default + :background 'unspecified)) + (eshell-syntax-highlighting-shell-command-face (:foreground + sv-light-green)) + (eshell-syntax-highlighting-lisp-function-face (:foreground + sv-light-green)) + (eshell-syntax-highlighting-alias-face (:foreground + sv-light-green)) + (eshell-syntax-highlighting-invalid-face (:weight 'bold + :foreground sv-red)) + (epe-status-face (:inherit 'font-lock-constant-face)) + (eshell-syntax-highlighting-file-arg-face (:foreground + sv-magenta + :underline 't)) + ;; magit colors + (magit-section-heading (:inherit 'outline-1)) + (magit-diff-file-heading (:foreground sv-cyan :weight 'bold)) + (magit-branch-remote (:foreground sv-green :weight 'bold)) + (magit-branch-local (:foreground sv-cyan)) + ;; GNUs colors + (gnus-header (:inherit 'fixed-pitch)) + (shr-text (:inherit 'fixed-pitch)) + ) + ) + +(provide-theme 'sv) + +;;;###autoload +(when load-file-name + (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path + (file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name)))) +;;; sv-theme.el ends here