"black = 0 = 8 "red = 1 = 9 "green = 2 = 10 "yellow = 3 = 11 "blue = 4 = 12 "magenta = 5 = 13 "cyan = 6 = 14 "white = 7 = 15 " A color scheme made to emulate the SV colors (https://github.com/alexkh/vimcolors), " but without requiring termguicolors to be enabled. Instead, manually " set your terminal's first 8 colors to the correct ones that look " right. This ensures that they look right. " EDIT: ack screw it im using termguicolors they work " EDIT2: Gonna fill this in completely some time with all the possible values " for colors and stuff. Probs not for a while though. " hi thing guibg guifg gui hi clear "set background=dark set termguicolors highlight Normal guibg=#000000 guifg=#eeee99 gui=none highlight Visual guibg=#3f0090 highlight Comment guibg=none guifg=#00aa00 gui=none highlight NonText guibg=none guifg=brown gui=bold highlight Constant guibg=none guifg=#0077ff gui=none highlight cString guibg=none guifg=white gui=bold highlight cCppString guibg=none guifg=white gui=bold highlight cBracket guibg=red guifg=#cccc66 gui=bold highlight Identifier guibg=none guifg=#00c0c0 gui=none highlight Statement guibg=none guifg=#c0c000 gui=bold highlight PreProc guibg=none guifg=#0088ff gui=bold highlight Type guibg=none guifg=orange gui=bold highlight Special guibg=none guifg=#bb00bb gui=bold highlight Error guibg=#ff0000 guifg=white gui=none highlight Todo guibg=#c0c000 guifg=#000080 gui=none highlight Directory guibg=none guifg=#00c000 gui=bold highlight Search guibg=purple guifg=yellow gui=none highlight operator guibg=none guifg=pink gui=none highlight statement guibg=none guifg=red gui=bold highlight DiffAdd guibg=purple guifg=black gui=bold highlight DiffChange guibg=green guifg=black gui=bold highlight DiffDelete guibg=red guifg=black gui=bold highlight DiffText guibg=orange guifg=black gui=bold highlight MsgSeparator guibg=blue guifg=white gui=bold highlight CursorLine guibg=#101010 highlight CursorColumn guibg=#101010 highlight VertSplit guibg=none guifg=purple gui=bold highlight RevComment guibg=green guifg=black gui=none highlight RevStatLn guibg=red guifg=black gui=bold highlight CmdMode guibg=white guifg=black gui=bold highlight TabLineSel guibg=orange guifg=black gui=bold highlight LineNr guibg=none guifg=yellow gui=none highlight CursorLineNr guibg=black guifg=yellow gui=bold "highlight StatusLine guibg=blue guifg=white gui=bold highlight NonText guibg=black guifg=red highlight Pmenu guibg=#303030 guifg=#a0a0f0 highlight TabLine guibg=green guifg=black highlight GreenGreen guibg=green guifg=green highlight PurplePurple guibg=purple guifg=purple highlight OrangeOrange guibg=orange guifg=orange highlight WhiteWhite guibg=white guifg=white highlight RedRed guibg=red guifg=red highlight BlackBlack guibg=black guifg=black highlight GrayGray guibg=#303030 guifg=#303030 highlight TabLineFill guibg=#303030 guifg=#303030 highlight Folded guibg=none guifg=#0088ff gui=bold let g:scrollbar_highlight = { \ 'head': 'Comment', \ 'body': 'Comment', \ 'tail': 'Comment', \ } " source ~/.config/nvim/stuffs/minline.vim " let g:airline_theme='lucius' hi Trailing guifg=green guibg=red match Trailing /\s\+$/